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Our Team

Here at The Zenergy Centre, we have a team of experienced and certified wellness practitioners who are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your visit. We are passionate about guiding you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life.

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Ailsa Care


  • CAREER HISTORY – NHS GP 30 years, functional and environmental medicine GP, menopause/hormone specialist

  • PERSONAL LIFE HIGHS – recovering from chronic fatigue with associated neurological symptoms using a root cause approach (i.e dealing with the cause not treating the symptoms). This led me to seek training in this root cause approach and ultimately a more fulfilling career

  • FAMILY MAKE UP – I am married with 2 grown up daughters

  • WHY YOU’VE GOT INVOLVED – I have always had an open mind about different modalities that may be used within the health and well-being field and usually try them out on myself before making a recommendation. Through my environmental and functional medicine training we learnt about the importance of improving function at a cellular level. Taking away the factors that make a cell sick and providing more of what we need to support a healthy cell. The EESystem creates an environment which promotes that cellular health allowing our bodies to self regulate, get rid of toxins and prioritise nutrients for cell regeneration and repair. I’m excited, having heard the powerful testimonials from other centres, to collect our own stories of transformation.

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Carol Banks (Banksey)


  • CAREER HISTORY – franchisee for an international retail outfit, 20 year involvement in the adult education sector, managing director of a software training company and since retirement a professional artist

  • PERSONAL LIFE HIGHS – Having a wonderful, very loving family, living and working abroad, finding the joy in art.

  • FAMILY MAKE UP – I am married with 2 grown up, happily married daughters and 7 grandchildren

  • WHY YOU’VE GOT INVOLVED – I became passionately involved in how energy works and its impact on every aspect of our lives. This led me to find like minded individuals who happened to live within a hundred yards and the discovery of the energy enhancement system. I believe our world is on the verge of finding new ways of living that provide better health and well-being without damage to ourselves and the environment. This system is a step in that direction. 

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Debb Sorra


  • CAREER HISTORY – Successful Business Woman, Qualified Life Coach and Certified Reiki Healer

  • PERSONAL LIFE HIGHS – Through maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook I have been able to build a business that has allowed me to retire at age 54. I can now devote my time and energy to following my spiritual dreams.

  • FAMILY MAKE UP – I am married with a son at University in the US.

  • WHY YOU’VE GOT INVOLVED – The EE System is an exciting technology which has demonstrated fantastic results. I wanted to be part of a team that could bring it to our community and allow the many to enjoy the benefits without it costing the earth.

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Jill Wood


  • CAREER HISTORY – sales followed by a career in primary education. 17 years as a head teacher in a large inner city school

  • PERSONAL LIFE HIGHS – training as a Source Attunement healer with Omnes healing. I have love and affection for all living things, I passionately believe that our world will change for the better

  • FAMILY MAKE UP – I am married with 2 grown up children and 5 grandchildren

  • WHY YOU’VE GOT INVOLVED – having recently retired I feel lucky to be working with my fellow directors using technology that will revolutionise the way we look after our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. I feel the opportunities offered by the Zenergy Centre will play an important part in empowering people to take responsibility for their own health. Our bodies were designed to heal themselves and just need the right environment to do so

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