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The Zenergy Centre Testimonials

Below are some videos featuring EE System user experiences we have recorded here at The Zenergy Centre.  Many more can be found at the Unifyd Healing Website - click here.

Sally A  - sinusitis

​I've had three one hour sessions at the new Zenergy centre in West Yorkshire.  Each time I felt the energy radiating through my body and came away feeling rejuvenated and incredibly chilled. That deep seated feeling of relaxation stayed with me for the rest of the day and each night I slept solidly. As a sufferer of sinusitis I felt the energy channel down towards my weak spots: cheeks, ears and nasal area.

It wasn’t until I came away on Sunday evening that I made the connection with my cheeks and ears with sinusitis. My cheeks were buzzing during my sessions. My nasal drip has improved already and I woke up on Monday with a clear nose and relief from congestion across the brow of my nose and cheeks.  

The centre is an oasis of calm run by a talented team of warm Yorkshire women, all on hand to explain the science behind the technology and to put you at your ease.

Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products. Change the text and add your own."

Carrie B - Global Meditation

I was very pleased to attend this event, it was very special.

During the breathing meditation. I found it very helpful, as I do have difficulty in holding my breath for several seconds at a time so having someone to calmly talk you through each of the stages was amazing.

I have also been practicing it this week at home and it's becoming easier.

It's a really lovely  atmosphere in the room and I look forward to attending for events in the future.

Flora H - feeling buoyant and uplifted

I've been to Zenergy in Cleckheaton twice now and am truly astounded by the experiences I've had.

Not only are the staff incredibly knowledgeable and friendly, but the place is clean, tidy and so conducive to healing! 

The healing sessions themselves are hard to describe, I guess you have to truly try them to understand what I mean. 

Having a cancer diagnosis and life long trauma, I can say that I've found that my body and mind are adjusting to a new way of being through this treatment.Letting go of heaviness and feeling buoyant and more uplifted throughout my whole being. 

If like me you wish to honour your body and heal, then this is the place for you! Self care is something many of us do not do, and Zenergy is a one stop shop to raise your self care to new heights in every cell of your body. I heartilly recommend it!

Suzanne R - felt relaxed and refreshed, "amazing"

WOW! This is my main word after a truly amazing experience. I ventured over from North Wales for the overnight. This was my first visit with Zenergy. 

I was a little apprehensive but this feeling quickly dissolved as I was made to feel welcome and right at home. 

I settled myself in on my chair with my blanket and bam I was out like a light.

The feeling quickly came and I woke feeling amazing! Very relaxed and refreshed

I will definitely be back again

Truly grateful

Lesley H - breast cancer

Eleven months ago I was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer; the cancer had metastasised to lungs, liver and bones. My GP immediately referred to hospice and end of life care. The NHS had nothing to offer me except morphine and hormonal therapy. 

I went abroad for initial treatment to the liver   as I was practically in liver failure. I managed to reduce some of the tumours to gain some liver function back again and my last treatment was in May this year. Since September I have been attending regular weekly sessions with “The Zenergy Centre“ @ Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire. I am delighted to see that from this latest liver scan my tumours have shrunk significantly by 50%- this is amazing! I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that EE therapy at Cleckheaton has had a positive impact on this including my overall health and mental wellbeing too. 

You will also love the staff who are really lovely and friendly, too. I highly recommend you visit the centre for one of the most relaxing, healing experiences ever! 

Judy S - better energy

​I discovered the EES system about six months ago and have been amazed by the difference it has made to my life. While it’s hard to put words to the changes I will try. I have started to feel an overwhelming feeling of happiness and well being. Things that used to bother me don’t bother me now. My people pleasing tendencies have been replaced with a desire to take care of my own needs first, then those of others. And energy! Wow, I can’t stop. It’s like my energy levels have been put on steroids. I get so much done now, and when finished I’m looking for more things to do. I have visited several other EES centers around the UK. This Zenergy center is heads and tails above the others. They are truly heart centered. So incredibly empathic and caring. Jill and the rest of the staff are so beautiful. Even though I’m nearly two hours away, I will continue to come to this location. It’s worth everything. I would HIGHLY suggest if your thinking about doing a treatment here that you follow through. You’ll be so glad you did 🙏❤️ Judy

Tommy D - macular degeneration, liver pains, alcohol addiction

It was my dad really who suggested to me, I had never heard of the place before. I thought I would tag along. I’ve got a vision problem that I have had since birth. Macular degeneration. I also had a liver problem due to alcohol abuse. Recently I went to the hospital and my liver has had a bit of a dramatic change. And my central vision I was blind but I can see that the blind spot is getting lighter and I’m getting colours. My vision, a massive improvement as well.

I’ve been coming for 33 hours. My sense of well being as well is way better since I’ve been coming as well. So, well chuffed. I had liver pains, pretty bad liver pains which is not happening no more. My vision I’ve been diagnosed colour blind since a kid, I can see colours vibrant now. I’m well happy with it.

Joyce T - psoriasis and back pain

My name is Joyce and I have to admit I had never heard of Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) until my sister introduced me to it. I kept an open mind to see if I could find any benefits and found that after around 12 hours of sessions the back pain I have experienced for several months disappeared. Also my energy levels have increased and I am not feeling so tired. For most of my adult life I have suffered from psoriasis which is a skin complaint. I have tried lots of remedies over the years to no avail but found using the detoxifying bath salts in a half hour soak in the bath has made a remarkable difference to my condition. I would recommend you give it a try and see the difference if you have any similar skin allergies. Everyone in the centre is friendly and will speak to you in a caring manner. 

Cain P - autism

Our autistic son has had 5 weekly sessions and is now beginning to show forward thinking. Last week he had an altercation with another child on the school bus. Cain is non verbal but for the 1st time he showed me what had happened. Today he has tricked me to get what he wants 😂 more and more progress each time, he loves his sessions it's good to see him so chilled ☺️

For me myself it's also helping with my fatigue i suffer more in winter with. The sessions are keeping me uplifted and helping me to keep going (fighting the hermit 😅).

All the staff are so friendly, caring, helpful and very knowledgeable.

Beautiful souls I look forward to getting to know them all more  🙏💚✨️


Results may vary.  Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.  The Zenergy Centre does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness.  This device and services are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service.  If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, be sure to see your healthcare practitioner.

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